Indian political leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi also called "Mahatma Gandhi," recovering from his imprisonment and 21-day fast to promote improved lives for India's Dalits, aka "untouchables," whom Gandhi calls "Harijan" (roughly equivalent to children of God). Mahatma Gandhi walks with his wife Kasturba Gandhi and a few other people, across a field towards a hospital building. In next scene, Gandhi stands in a rail car being interviewed. Then, in a formal public interview inside an auditorium, he is heard speaking and describes himself as a "soldier of peace." Glimpse of Gandhi seated outdoors under a canopy of nationalist flags, in 1932. Scene shifts back,again, to the rail car interview, where he is being seen off by well-wishers. He is then seen in a hospital where he is asked about his notions of eliminating the Indian caste system. (Film ends before any reply.)
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